how to track your progress using analytics

How to Track Your Progress Using Analytics

Tracking your progress with analytic data is super important for your business growth. In this 5-part training series from the experts at Wealthy Affiliate, my favorite instructor, Jay, will go through the various tools that you can use to track your progress from several different platforms.

Three of these are Google Analytics training classes.  The other two are for Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster.

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how to track your progress using analytics dataTracking Your Progress with Analytic Data

The classes in this series include:

Class #1:  Tracking Your Progress with Google Analytics:  In this live class, Jay will give you an overview of how Google Analytics works and how it can benefit your business.

Class #2:  How to Install Google Analytics 4:  In this live class, you’ll learn exactly how to set up Google Analytics 4.  I was intimidated by this, but I found out it’s not hard at all.

By the way, Jay has another training series you might like called, Working with Google Analytics 4.

Class #3:  Tracking Your Progress with Google Search Console.  Want to know which keywords are bringing the most traffic to your website?  Or maybe which keyword is rising fast?  In this class, you’ll learn how to track your progress with Google Search Console.

Class #4:  Tracking Your Progress with Bing Webmaster Tools:  From the time I first became an Affiliate Marketer until this very moment, I’ve always gotten a TON of traffic from Bing and Yahoo.

Google isn’t the only search engine out there, and I’ve found it’s way easier to rank on Bing and Yahoo than it is on Google.  In this class, you’ll learn about Bing Webmaster Tools to see how your website is performing.

Tip from me:  Wealthy Affiliate taught me very early on about the importance of regularly submitting new posts to Google Console and Bing Webmaster and also about submitting updated sitemaps regularly.  I submit every new post I do to both Google and Bing, and I submit a new sitemap every time I make even a couple of updates to my websites.

Class #5:  How to Set Up Goals in Google Analytics.  Google Analytics is a super powerful tool that can tell you how you acquired your website traffic.  In this class, Jay will show you how to reverse engineer from conversion to keywords with Google Analytics Goals.

Google Analytics Training Classes

google analytics trainingAbout Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate has an enormous amount of training available for affiliate marketers, people who work online or people who want to start their own online business.  You can read my full review of Wealthy Affiliate here.

They have a free starter membership where you can take some of their classes and see if their training is what you’re looking for.  If it is, you can choose to upgrade your membership and continue on…just like I did!

If the training isn’t what you wanted, you’re not obligated to continue or to upgrade.  So there’s no risk in trying it out.  They don’t even ask for a credit card for you to start the free training.

google analytics training

your successful online businessAbout Me

I started my training with Wealthy Affiliate almost 10 years ago and have worked full-time as an affiliate marketer ever since.

I found the training easy-to-follow and fun!

They have training on how to do affiliate marketing, how to start an online business, how to start a YouTube channel, how to do email marketing…the list is endless when it comes to how much step-by-step, expert training is available at Wealthy Affiliate!


Please feel free to comment below with questions about using website analytics, or let me know if there’s another specific topic you’d like training on. I’m happy to help! Debra

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